The key to understanding what is going on needs to be found in the merciless reality of evolution. Organisms fundamentally live with challenges and pressure in their environment. As an answer they develop solutions as they go along. Solutions that are built on top of the construction that already exists.
Mads Westrup (b.1984 Copenhagen) is studying at Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien with prof. Daniel Richter at the School of Expanded Pictorial Space. Recent exhibitions include ‘Kunst und Übung in expanded Bildraum’, IMO, Copenhagen (2013); ‘Two Gb’s’ w. Kris Lemsalu, HHDM, Vienna (2012); ‘Pants on Fire’ w. Nazim Unal Yilmaz, Ve.Sch, Vienna (2011).
Please contact us for further information about the exhibition. Opening hours Saturday 12 noon – 4 pm, Sunday 12 noon – 3 pm and by appointment.
Admiral Gjeddes Gaard
Store Kannikestræde 10
1169 Copenhagen
+45 2299 4301